Conveniently located in Amsterdam World Trade Center (WTC), the Qbic Hotel is situated in the heart of Amsterdam’s financial district. It is a prime location for international travelers as it is only 10 minutes via taxi or tram to Schiphol Airport and the city center. As the home city for Qbic, this hotel embodies the foundation and ideals upon which the brand was built.
Qbic hotels are synonymous with style, contemporary design, environmental sustainability, and unfaltering service. The overall design is meant to encompass the city's personality and energize you with its imaginative and curious décor. Each room creates a futuristic theme with its psychedelic lights and cubic beds. You are guaranteed to sleep like a baby thanks to the custom-made organic mattresses designed by Natural Mat. These hypoallergenic and breathable beds have become so popular with guests, you can even have a custom mattress or topper sent to your own home. The Qbic Amsterdam WTC is also one of the greenest hotels, thanks to its conscientious policies and design.
The area around Amsterdam WTC is a city unto itself, offering a wide array of entertainment and services. The hotel is truly a hub where weary travelers can rest after a long day, loosen up before a night on the town, meet friends, or get their work done.

Amsterdam World Trade Center building

Matthijs Vermeulenpad 1, 1077 XX Amsterdam, Netherlands