Explora Rapa Nui - Easter Island LodgeExplora  
Rapa Nui

Easter Island or ‘Rapa Nui’ is one of the most remote islands in the world: first populated by humans roughly 1000AD. The original Polynesian inhabitants carved the famous Easter Island Heads that represent their deified ancestors who, they believed, controlled the environment. Some of the statues have been shoved over. This is because young tribe-members rebelled against the old religion in the 1500s. Europeans and Latins arrived in the 19th Century with all their usual respect and grace, almost wiping out the local population.

Nowadays, the island’s clear waters are renowned among divers. Indeed, the world’s best freediver, Mike Rapu grew up on the island and gives his name to the lodge and his famous recipes to the kitchen. The lodge is friendly to the environment and supportive of the local community. This hotel is for those of you who love the outdoors and visiting unusual places. The lodge provides guides for daily hikes, cycle trips, and everything you need for exploring more oceanic pastimes.

Type: Luxury   Nature   Remote
Rapa Nui Hotel wooden building

Rapa Nui Hotel living room

Rapa Nui Hotel bedroom with sea view

Rapa Nui Hotel bathroom

Rapa Nui Hotel terrace restaurant

Rapa Nui Hotel swimming pool

Easter Island fish dish

Biking on Easter Island

Trekking on Easter Island

The cliffs of Easter Island

Easter Island nature

Sea at the Easter Island

Easter Island

Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Isla de Pascua, Chile