You cannot come across the word Mogadishu without the pre-modifying clause, ‘the most dangerous city in the world’. And fair enough, most luxury hotels do not come with an increased risk of death and kidnap. But there have only been 2 major incidents involving guests of the Hotel Sahafi in Mogadishu, which, for a warzone, isn’t that bad.
The Sahafi hotel is one of the more popular hotels in Mogadishu and the hotel of choice for journalists and UN workers who are the main foreign visitors in the city. Staff will give you a warm welcome and you can choose a room from four floors of mostly empty rooms. There is air conditioning throughout which is impressive considering that fuel and electricity are luxury goods in Mogadishu.
The restaurant serves three meals a day and serves an excellent lamb chop. To get to visit Mogadishu you will first have to convince customs of your sanity. But if you can do that, Sahafi is a good hotel to stay at.

View on the K4 roundabout from the rooftop of Sahafi Hotel

Market day at K4 in Mogadishu

Taxi stand at the K4

Streets of Mogadishu. Photo by International Relations and Security Network ISN

Mogadishu Lido Beach - Life came back after Al Shabaab militants were kicked out. Photo by United Nations

Somalians at the Lido Beach. Photo by United Nations

A view of the Mogadishu fishing harbor. Photo by United Nations
KM4, Mogadishu, Somalia