2 funicular Hotels

Märchenhotel - Kids Paradise in the Swiss Alps
Located in Switzerland, this themed hotel is a dream come true for kids, with individually sculpted rooms and an endless list of fun activities. The hotel revolves around the fascinating stories of Swiss folklore. Mythical characters appear inside and outside Märchenhotel's premises, like dwarfs, fairies, gnomes, or imps. And if …

Bürgenstock Hotel - Mountaintop Hotel & Spa Complex Overlooking Lake Lucerne
Lake Lucerne, also known as the "lake of the four forested settlements", is one of the most magical regions in Switzerland. Its shoreline rises steeply into tall mountains. During clear weather, you can spot the icy peaks of Mount Pilatus, the Tomlishorn that stands at 6,983 feet (2,128.5 meters). Bürgenstock …