3 Unique Hotels in Melbourne, Australia

The Interlude Hotel at Pentridge - Australian Prison turned into a Luxury Spa Hotel
On the outskirts of Melbourne, HM Prison Pentridge used to host famed criminals of various guilts, from serial killing to planting fake bombs to raise awareness of the nuclear threat. Although Australia's incarceration rate is on a slight uptrend, some aging facilities need replacement. And when that happens, historic buildings …

Notel Melbourne - Against All Boring Hotels
Notel is not a hotel but an experience, and it's made up of six vintage trailers. They found them in the USA and shipped them to Australia. After thorough restoration work, their pretty rounded and polished chrome coachwork now shines just like new. Fifty-ton cranes then lifted them to their …

Adelphi Hotel Melbourne - Funky Boutique Hotel With A Rooftop Pool Deck
With just 34 rooms, this hotel may be small, but it delivers big in ambiance and location. Steps away from the nearest tram and a short walk from the National Gallery of Victoria, the newly renovated Adelphi Hotel is also going green. Energy-efficient lighting is used throughout the hotel, as …