andBeyond Ngorongoro Crater Lodge - Pristine Wilderness, Safari And LuxuryCrater  

About three million years ago an enormous volcano exploded and collapsed in on itself much to the hilarity of the other volcanoes who laughed so much they blew their own tops. This massive event created what is known today as the Ngorongoro Crater. For millions of years, the crater has held 100 square miles of the fertile plain where wildlife has flourished. Human ancestors lived here and modern humans have been here for at least 2000 years.

The Crater Lodge is perched on the edge. From your room or restaurant, you can gaze over this ancient enclosure. Your room is a Maasai-inspired mud-walled construction with a luxurious interior. Your personal butler will supply you with everything you need, and professional game-rangers will take you out to explore the crater day or night.

With over 30,000 animal species living there, a close encounter is guaranteed. Expect amazing outdoor lunches and buffets, the chance to see tribal dances and lions and zebras too. At night your fireplace is lit and the fabulous domed dining room serves amazing meals.

Location: Ngorongoro  Tanzania  Africa
Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge at night

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge luxury bungalows

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge bungalow

Traditional African bungalow

View on Lake Magadi from Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge luxury living room

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge interior

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge dining place

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge room

African luxury bathroom at Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge bathroom with Lake Magadi views

Dining on the terrace with spectacular views at Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge terrace
