On the Niyama resort website, they talk about their hotel having “Epicurean Delights” – what does this mean? Well Epicurus was a Greek philosopher who advocated community living and friendship.
He was particularly interested in maximizing pleasure and kicking pain in the ass. But that is not to say that overindulgence is encouraged, as that may lead to pain. So you can see why the latest five-star, super luxury resort in the bath-warm waters of the Indian Ocean would see fit to draw inspiration from this source.
I am not going to waste time listing this place's features – you can already see from these stunning pictures that it will likely have everything you can think of in terms of the latest luxury.
Actually, I will just point out that the club plays host to some massive names in the music industry and is underwater…really… with fish swimming around through the windows – that’s pretty impressive even to a seasoned hotel writer who has seen some pretty awesome stuff in his time. So my message is, go, it will be awesome.

Olhuveli, Olhuveli - Dhaalu Atoll 20219, Maldives