Red Stars Hotel St Petersburg - Decorated By The Best Street Artists In RussiaRed Stars  

Looking at the Red Stars from the outside, you could be forgiven for thinking that this is just another standard hotel inside a concrete cube. But this apparent ugliness is only skin deep. The interior of the hotel has been decorated by the best street artists in Russia creating a bold aesthetic that will not fail to leave you with an indelible impression of artistic flair. Contemporary and cool, the idea behind the unique décor was to bring to the surface some of the talented artists usually consigned to work in the city’s subculture.

Each of the four floors has been themed on the world’s great hubs - Tokyo, London, New York, and Rio-de-Janeiro. The concepts extend into the guestrooms. Lightboxes, which use javascript to display images and videos, are installed on each floor showing conceptual videos based on street perspectives. There is a restaurant and around-the-clock bar where you can meet friends and hang out when visiting the historic St Petersburg city.

Red Stars Hotel building

Red Stars Hotel lobby

Red Stars Hotel kitchen

Red Stars Hotel graffiti

Red Stars Hotel common area

Red Stars Hotel bar

Red Stars Hotel corridor with graffiti

Red Stars Hotel corridor

Red Stars Hotel street art

Red Stars Hotel room

Red Stars Hotel suite

Red Stars Hotel honeymoon suite

Naberezhnaya Reki Pryazhki 30, 190121 Saint Petersburg, Russia