3 dog Hotels

Hotel Shattuck Plaza - San Francisco's First Luxury Hotel
Opened in 1910, Shattuck was San Francisco’s first luxury hotel. It was constructed of reinforced concrete in the mission style, which has come to epitomize San Francisco’s culture and heritage. Ever since, it has remained a hotel under different ownership and was subject to a multimillion-dollar refurbishment in 2007. Your …

Hüttenhotel Husky Lodge - Huskies And Private Saunas In Switzerland
In an alpine valley, you will find the Husky Lodge. Stay in one of a number of luxurious cabins - one even has a private sauna. There are more than 30 huskies that live at the lodge and activities are numerous. You can learn how to be a musher by …

Dog Bark Park Inn – And Bingo Was His Name-Oh
If the Ancient Greeks had decided to attack Troy using a giant dog rather than a horse it might have looked something like this. Husband and wife team, Dennis and Frances use chainsaws to carve folk-art wooden dogs and have done for the last 15 years. When their work was …