In an alpine valley, you will find the Husky Lodge. Stay in one of a number of luxurious cabins - one even has a private sauna. There are more than 30 huskies that live at the lodge and activities are numerous.
You can learn how to be a musher by being taught how to get to know the dogs and their personalities before speeding off through the Narnian landscape. In the summer months, you can explore the Bödmeren primeval forest - one of the most beautiful mountain forests in Europe - and learn about the varied flora and fauna there found. Stop for a picnic and marvel at the expansive view.
Rock climbing is another popular summertime activity with plenty of climbs available for all levels and expertise. As the seasons turn back into winter the snowshoe tours begin. Take a husky ride into the wilderness and a hike into far-flung corners of the Alps. Try it at night time with a guide taking you on the full-moon snowshoe tour. Whatever you choose you are bound to have an exciting time.

Husky-Lodge, Balm, 6436 Muotathal, Switzerland