4 grandeur Hotels

Waldhaus Flims Wellness Resort - Exquisite Spa In The Swiss Alps
A true winter wonderland with beautifully ornamented buildings dusted in snow – you may think you’ve stepped into a fairytale, a dream even, but this is simply the way of life for those at Waldhaus Flims. Located in the small town of Flims, Switzerland, Waldhaus is an extraordinary place that …

Carr Hall Castle - The Best British Holiday Home
This castle, which you can rent for a luxury break, was the winner of a TV show entitled, I Own Britain’s Best Home. Owners, Terry George, and Michael Rothwell spent four years doing the place up until it spanks the butt of any competition. In the old days, castles had …

Quinta Real Zacatecas - Indelible Experience
This hotel is built into the historic San Pedro bullring which was constructed in the 19th Century and saw its last bullfight in 1975. The lobby, the restaurant are all built into the original colonial design. Your room overlooks the main plaza where the smell of warm stone and moss …

Palácio Estoril Hotel - Golf & Wellness For The Jet-Setters
It’s 1930 in Portugal’s Estoril Coast, popular with the rich and famous. A new grand hotel has just been opened. It will become home to Europe’s jet-setters for the next hundred years. Yes, even today it has a dedicated ‘Royal Wing’ for when their most aristocratic guests turn up for …