2 glorious Hotels

Belmond Hotel Cipriani - Dolce Vita-Style Glamour At The Tip Of Giudecca Island
With over 450 palaces and 177 canals, Venice is a beautiful city in Italy, and the accommodations at the Belmond are fit to match. Located at the tip of Giudecca Island, this hotel offers a complimentary 24-hour boat service to transport guests to and from Piazzetta San Marco (St Mark’s …

The Royal Crescent - Spa Like It's 1770
The Royal Crescent, Bath, was built in the 1770s by noted architect, John Wood. A keen occultist and freemason, when viewed from above, the crescent represents the moon as part of a series of buildings that mimic Masonic symbols. Shapeshifting Lizards notwithstanding, The Royal Crescent Hotel is a fine place …