Barin Hotel in Shemshak - Curvy Ski Resort Of IranBarin  
Ski Resort

When you picture a visit to Iran, your mind is most likely flooded by negative images and news stories of current events in the region. However, Iran is home to some incredible ski resorts that rival the most popular destinations in Europe. Only about an hour outside of the capital Tehran, the small village of Shemshak is nestled in the Alborz Mountains at an altitude of 2,500 meters. Upon arrival, you are greeted by blue skies, fresh powder, and modern facilities.

Situated in the very heart of the mountain, approximately 1 kilometer from the famed Shemshak Ski Resort, the Barin Ski Resort designed by RYRA Studio is a modern undertaking that reflects the cosmopolitan vibe of the city and the breathtaking beauty of the landscape. Inspired by the majesty of the mountains, the architects designed the resort as an interface between nature and human ingenuity.

The overall design incorporates a flexible, freeform structure to mirror the slopes' snow-covered peaks and shifting landscape. Each residence is reminiscent of arctic igloos, curving into a domical form. The clean lines and flow of each room are very contemporary, and the dominance of white resembles the natural landscape covered in fresh snow. It is hard to ignore the overwhelming beauty of your surroundings during your stay, both inside and beyond the Barin Ski Resort.

Type: Concept   Mountain
Location: Tehran  Iran  Middle East
Barin Hotel

Barin Ski Resort facade

Barin Ski Resort fluid surface

Barin Hotel lobby

Barin Hotel elevators

Barin Hotel rounded seats

Barin Hotel corridor

Barin Hotel entrance to room

Barin Hotel kitchen

Barin Hotel TV

Barin Hotel living room

Barin Hotel bedroom

Barin Hotel window to nature

Barin Hotel facade with snowy mountains

Barin Hotel surface and mountains