4 horror Hotels

The Clown Motel - USA's Most Terrifying Accommodation
On the side of the Main Street of Tonopah in Nevada lies Clown Motel right next to the Old Tonopah Cemetery. This hotel owes its name to the central theme of the hotel – clowns. Leona and Leroy David built this hotel in 1985. Their father was a clown collector, …

Karosta Prison - Adventure In A Former Soviet Prison
Unchanged since Tsarist Russia, for 100 years this prison served to brutalize those who fell foul of the Tsar and Communist Party. The place is said to be haunted. Perhaps you feel brave enough to take their tour. Just don’t blame your captors… I mean hosts when you see a …

Timberline Lodge - The Hotel From "The Shining" Movie
"Here's Johnny!" Well, your concierge, actually; make sure you tip him well as you are about to take a room in the gorgeous and ghoulish Timberline Lodge, the location for the classic horror film, The Shining. Joking aside, this incredible structure was built entirely by hand in the 1930s, and …

Propeller Island City Lodge - The Weirdest Hotel In The World
The most avant-garde city in the world, Berlin, is now home to the weirdest hotel in the world: Propeller Island City Lodge. Hand-made down to the last door handle by artist Lars Stroschen, staying here is a unique experience. You could be sleeping in a floating bed or twin white …