8 waterfall Hotels

Blue Lagoon Iceland - Silica Hotel In The Heart Of The Lava Landscape
When you think of Iceland, you think of magnificent views, beautiful nature, and exquisite hotels. The Blue Lagoon Silica Hotel is definitely one to visit. The hotel is only a kilometer away from the main Blue Lagoon resort. It is surrounded by lava landscapes and a mere 10-minute walk from …

Ma'In Hot Springs Resort & Spa - Hotel In The Desert With A Waterfall
The Ma’In Hot Springs emerges as an oasis from the dramatic terrain of the Jordanian landscape. Located in close proximity to the capital city, Amman, and the Dead Sea, this is the perfect destination for those seeking a relaxing and pampering retreat. The outstanding hospitality and the therapeutic benefits of …

Finca Bellavista Treehouse Community - Sustainable Treehouses In Costa Rica
Situated along the Rio Bellavista near the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Finca Bellavista has emerged from the pristine rainforest as one of the first self-sustaining residential treehouse communities. Far removed from the outside world, this rustic retreat is nestled in the canopy of over 600 acres of rainforest. Although …

Salish Lodge & Spa - Hotel From The Twin Peaks TV Show
The site was originally home to the Snoqualmie Falls Lodge (built in 1919), and now the building has been renovated to become the Salish Lodge and Spa. The exterior was used as a location for the cult TV show Twin Peaks, and while the interior has changed, fans of the …

The I Resort - Nha Trang - Magic Mud And Minerals
Perhaps it’s a generalization but Vietnamese people do have smooth, young-looking skin. Perhaps it is because they know the secrets of the mudbath. Scientists know that that I-Resort’s mudbaths have a high Bromine and mineral content and some say soaking in it has magically rejuvenating effects. It is claimed to …

Huilo Huilo Canopy Village – Treehouse Swinging Life
The Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve is located right beside the entrance of the Chilean Patagonia and in the center of the Temperate Humid Forest in the south of Chile. This private project is located along the shores of Pirihueico Lake, near Panguipulli, and is around 60,000 hectares (144,000 acres) of land. …

The Hotel Baobab – Jungle Times For Fun People
The Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve is 232 square miles of Chilean Rainforest. It was originally part of the Chilean state forestry commission, administered by the Pinochet regime. In the 1980s progressive economical thinkers known as the ‘Chicago Boys’ encouraged the state to sell off these assets, the Huilo Huilo reserve …

Montana Magica Lodge – Tall Tales In The Jungle
Eschew Disney Land’s magical pretensions and come to Huilo Huilo Montaña Mágica Lodge for a truly magical experience. The magic should be plain to anyone who sees its main building. A gigantic artificial volcano spews spa waters over its rocky sides instead of lava. Windows peek from the sides like …