Explora Atacama - Adventures In The Heart Of A Historic LandscapeExplora  

The Atacama Hotel is a stylish and modern lodge in the heart of a historic landscape. Indeed, the area has great archaeological significance, so all you history lovers make sure you pack your boots and shovels. Nature lovers will want to explore the Licancabur Volcano, dream over desert landscapes, and star-gaze all night. The scenery is so dramatic it was used as the setting for the last James Bond film.

The hotel is constructed out of traditional materials such as bamboo, adobe, and terracotta and, despite being in the desert, has a plentiful supply of water. Traditional furnishings such as flagstone floors and llama skins decorate the interior.

As well as loads of outdoor excursions there is also yoga, cookery, and a spa. In fact, there is so much to see and do, the hotel provides you with a dedicated ‘planner’ to help you make the most of your time there. You can choose to retire to a room with a view of the Licancabur Volcano or watch the sunset behind the distant salt mountains.

Explora Atacama Hotel

Atacama Hotel in the desert

Atacama Hotel lodge

Atacama Hotel terrace

Blue wooden window

Atacama Hotel swimming pool at night

Atacama Hotel swimming pool

Atacama Hotel wooden interior

Atacama Hotel bar

People sitting at the bar of Atacama Hotel

Atacama Hotel common room

Atacama Hotel room

Atacama Hotel bathroom

Wooden fence

Horse equipments

Horse riding in the desert

Trekking in the desert

Girl sitting on a rock in the desert

Chilean waterfall

Exploring the nature of Chile

Licancabur Volcano

Licancabur Volcano

Salar de Atacama area

Salar de Atacama

Domingo Atienza s/n - Ayllu de Larache, San Pedro de Atacama 1410000, Chile