Hotel Particulier Montmartre - The Raison D'etreHotel  

Take a walk along the quaint paving stones of a street known as “the passage of the witch’s rock” in Montmartre and you will find a guesthouse that artfully shows how modern design can be woven into traditional Parisian architecture. Originally an eighteenth-century mansion set amid sculptured gardens by Louis Bénech - a landscape architect who reworked the Tuileries and the gardens of the presidential home - the hotel combines great looks with comfortable living.

Your room has been decorated personally by a renowned artist. There is the Vegetal room designed by contemporary artist Martine Aballéa, who has made the walls appear as if you are gazing out from a tree-house. The Curtain of Hair room is by photo artist Natacha Lesueur while painter Philippe Mayaux decorated the Vitrine Room. Finnish designer Mats Haglund designed the bar and entrance hall specially. The restaurant is so good it is booked up months in advance and outside is one of Paris’ largest hidden gardens.

Type: Luxury
Location: Paris  France  West Europe
Hotel Particulier Montmartre

Hotel Particulier Montmartre bar

Hotel Particulier Montmartre restaurant

Hotel Particulier Montmartre room

Hotel Particulier Montmartre bathroom

Bedroom decoration

Hotel Particulier Montmartre fireplace

Hotel Particulier Montmartre private garden

Pavillon D, 23 Avenue Junot, 75018 Paris, France