Woodlyn Park Motel – Real Life Kiwi Culture ExperienceWoodlyn  

For much of the last century Woodlyn Park was a farm but today it is an educational center and family fun park with some unique accommodation. Before we get onto that, it is worth mentioning Billy Black’s Kiwi Culture Show where you get a sheep-shearing, cow-riding, wood-chopping experience of Kiwi life.

The Hobbit Motel is a string of rooms built into a hillside that looks very similar to the fantasy home of Mr. Frodo. Each unit accommodates up to six people and has a bathroom and kitchenette. There is also a train which has been converted into a length of rooms which can host 5 people. One of the last US plane to leave Vietnam was a Bristol Freighter, it is randomly parked up on the farm and that too has been converted into comfortable living quarters. Premier accommodation can be found in a converted WW2 anti-submarine ship which is moored by the park. It once patrolled the seas around New Zealand and has a three-floor suite and many other room options inside.

Type: Airplane   Boat   Train
Woodlyn Park Hobbit Motel

Hobbit Motel

Hobbit Motel room at Woodlyn Park

1950's Bristol Freighter Motel

1950's Bristol Freighter Motel

Airplane motel

Woodlyn Park Airplane Motel

1950's Bristol Freighter Motel cockpit used as room

Bristol Freighter cockpit

Woodlyn Park train motel

The Waitomo Express

Train motel interior

The Waitomo Express interior

The Waitomo Express train motel room

Fairmile Ship World War 2 patrol boat

Fairmile Ship World War 2 patrol boat

Fairmile Ship Titanic room at Woodlyn Park hotel

Titanic room

1177 Waitomo Valley Road, RD7, Otorohanga, New Zealand