Igloo Village Balea Lac - Hotel Of Ice Romania In The Fagaras MountainsIce Hotel  

Forget little sculptures at winter fares… in Romania, they make entire hotels out of ice. When it comes to sleeping in a bed made of ice you need not worry about the cold because your bed is super insulated with multiple mattresses, reindeer fur, and thermal sleeping bags. Dinner is served on a table made of ice, on plates made of ice in a dining room that is made, you guessed it, out of ice. So it’s kind of like living inside a glacier.

Get away from the tourists in this intimate hotel which is accessed only by cable-car. The only crowds you will see at this 2000ft location sees are the flocks of migrating birds that sometimes fly in the clear air above the Fagaras Mountains. Activities are provided by the boutique operator, ‘Untravelled Paths’. All the usual snowsports are on offer including the more genteel pastimes of ice-skating and ice-sculpting. There is also the unique opportunity to trek into a warren of ice caves emerging out onto the mountainside to see the frost-polished slopes and valleys below.

Type: Ice   Mountain
Ice Hotel Romania

Ice Church at Balea Ice Hotel

Ice Hotel Romania by night

Ice Hotel Romania Christmas ice bar

Ice Hotel Romania Sub-zero ice bar

Magical Ice Restaurant

Snow sculpture

Ice Hotel Romania dining hall

Ice Hotel Romania dinner

Ice Hotel Romania ice dinner

Harlequin ice room

Ice Hotel Romania Dragons Cave room

Dragons Cave ice room

Fairy tale ice room

Ice Hotel Romania room

Balea landscape

Balea cable car


Fagaras Mountains views

Balea Lac, Cârţişoara 117040, Romania