Clink78 - Prison Turned Into A Hipster Hostel In LondonClink78  

Located inside an English Heritage building, this has to be one of the grandest-looking youth hostels ever. It was once a magistrate’s court and served sentences to London’s criminals for over 200 years. I’m sure some of the patriarchs of Australia even went through this courthouse.

Anyway, today it is converted into a trendy youth hostel and the old prison cells are now rooms for hire. There are also dormitories for larger groups. Named ‘Clink’, after the old English slang for prison; today, where pain and misery once thrived is now a place for excitement and fun as up to 500 travelers from all over the world congregate in the Clash Bar or stay in touch via the extensive internet center. The Clash Bar is named after the famous punk band who were fined in the courthouse for shooting three expensive racing pigeons after mistaking them for the normal haggard birds that patrol London parks.

Type: Hostel   Jail
Location: London  England  West Europe
Clink78 Hostel building at night

Clink78 Hostel facade

Clink78 Hostel check-in

Clink78 Hostel lobby

Clink78 Hostel lobby disco ball chandelier

Clink78 Hostel ClashBar

Clink78 Hostel bar

Clink78 Hostel design bar with young people

Clink78 Hostel pool game

Clink78 Hostel guilty lounge

Clink78 Hostel cinema

Clink78 Hostel jail corridor

Clink78 Hostel bunk bed

Clink78 Hostel room with bunk beds

78 King's Cross Rd, Kings Cross, London WC1X 9QG, UK