Necker Belle - Luxury CatamaranNecker Belle  

Virgin Magnate Richard Branson has recently added a luxury catamaran to his collection of unique hotels. Necker Belle specializes in Whale watching, and every year it follows thousands of whales as they meet at Silver Bank in the Caribbean for the annual mating. During this time, the Whales come to the surface often and are easily seen from the deck.

There is a crew of seven, including a top chef. There is space for up to 12 guests in four cabins, but you might want to sleep on the luxurious upper deck lounge area. There is a diving board straight into the sea for the adventurous, while others might prefer the enclosed swimming areas within the boat. The boat comes with a 12 person fast boat, waterskis, a wakeboard, and diving equipment for 4 divers so you can explore the warm waters of the tropical ocean. Necker Belle boasts its own 3-person aero submarine, which will take you, James Bond-style, on trips underwater.

Necker Belle Catamaran

Necker Belle luxury sail yacht

Necker Belle sailboat

Necker Belle living room

Necker Belle interior

Necker Belle living space

Necker Belle bedroom with curtain

Necker Belle bedroom

Necker Belle room

Necker Belle yacht room

Necker Belle luxury yacht room

Necker Belle yacht bathroom

Necker Belle captain seats

Necker Belle cockpit

Necker Belle kitchen

Necker Belle dock

On board of Necker Belle

Necker Belle diving

Jumping from the dock of Necker Belle yacht

Necker Belle at night with city skyline

Necker Island, British Virgin Islands, UK